Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Are you qualified to speak about the Gospel?

Acts 26:16  " 'Now get up and stand on your feet.  I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of Me and what I will show you.' "

Paul is on trial in front of King Agrippa.  He is telling the king the story of how God met him and turned him from a persecutor of the Christians into a leader of them.  The appointment God gave to Paul is the same one He gives to each of us.  And as explained above, the call to duty is not complicated or overwhelming. 

We know from Paul's background that he was raised with a deep knowledge of Jewish traditions and the Old Testament.  Then he experienced his conversion and was able to use that background as a basis to argue in favor of the Gospel.  It is easy for us to dismiss the idea that we have the same calling as Paul because we do not have the depth of knowledge that he had.  But look again at Jesus' words and what He called Paul into:

1) to be a servant (no special qualifications or knowledge needed for this)
2) as a witness of what you have seen (the only qualification here is that you have a memory)
3) as a witness of what I will show you (the only requirement here is that you stick with Him and pay attention)

We are all just as qualified as Paul to heed God's calling.  If you are willing to be a servant, can remember what He has already shown you, and will pay attention to what He will show you in the future, you qualify for the job.  No special knowledge or seminary degree needed.


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