Monday, February 13, 2012

Accepting what was done for YOU

Hebrews 2:16  "For surely it is not angels He helps, but Abraham's descendants."

Because Christ dwells in the heavenly realms and is seated at the right hand of the Father, it is easy to believe that He only associates with those in that realm.  It makes sense that He might associate and interact with angels and other heavenly beings.  It is also natural to believe that He who is perfect and blameless would only interact with those who are also perfect and blameless.  None of us humans falls into this category, so the natural follow-on thought from these concepts is that He only aligns Himself with angels, not us sinful humans.

But this is false.  Christ became fully human and lived among us.  In His infinite mercy and grace, He came down from the exclusive company He kept in heaven and entered our imperfect world.  He experienced what we experience, but did not fall.  He experienced physical life and physical death. 

He did this not for the angels, for why would they need it?  They have already attained the eternal destination God's death made available to us.  Therefore, He must have only done this for those who needed it- you and I. 

Accept and rejoice in the personal gift of redemption and reconciliation to God.  It is a gift for you, not someone else who seems to be more deserving or to have earned it in some way.


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