Thursday, March 1, 2012

Our flawed reliance on intelligence and reasoning

Jude 10  "Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals- these are the very things that destroy them."

The human mind is finite, and our ability to understand things through reasoning is limited.  This is simply a fact.  It is a fact that many people bristle over and take issue with.  These people are usually ones that have attained a level of success and comfort through their own mental abilities and intelligence (or so they believe, anyway).  To them, anything that is true is capable of being understood by reasoning and application of human intelligence. Likewise, anything that is not subject to understanding by human reasoning must be false.

The core of this belief system is that God (if, in fact, they believe there is a God) designed us equal to Him in our ability to comprehend universal and eternal truths.  It implies that we reside on the same level as God, and He reveals all and we are capable of understanding all. 

While we are created in His image, we are not created equal.  We are not gods and our intellect is not to be an object of worship (which is idolatry).  If all of God and His ways were comprehensible through reasoning, what room would there be for faith? 

Even those who rely on their own intellect practice faith.  People regularly place their faith in the intellect and experience of other human beings.  There are subjects and skills at which I am not personally adept.  In situations where those subjects and skills are involved or required, I place my faith in someone else who has those skills and experience.  An example for me is repairing a car.  When repairs are needed, I have no problem placing my faith in someone else who knows what they are doing (or so I believe).  In doing so, I am placing my faith in something other than my own knowledge and abilities.  If I were to reduce the world and what was acceptable to me down to only those things I personally know and skills that I personally have, the world would be a very small place.

Why, then, are we more comfortable placing our faith in finite, fallible human beings than in the One Almighty God?  Our reliance on reasoning and instinct is, indeed, our downfall.  We are all depraved humans at our core, and what makes sense to us must always be tested against God's truth in order to be truly reliable.  Putting God in the box of our own understanding limits who He is and, consciously or unconsciously, elevates us to a level we are unworthy to occupy- equality with God.   


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