Friday, May 4, 2012

Is your storehouse of truth full or empty?

Acts 6:10  "But they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke"

As he was confronted by the ruling factions of the Jews, Stephen held fast to his beliefs.  In the face of accusations of blasphemy that would eventually lead to his death by stoning, Stephen continued to speak the truth about Jesus.  The situation begged for someone to speak the truth to those who refused to listen.  Rather than shrinking back in the face of hostility, Stephen rose to the occasion. 

Rising to the occasion required two primary things from Stephen.  First, he had to have courage.  He most certainly felt the urge to stay silent, not respond to the accusations, and try to save himself.  Instead, he followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and confronted the hostility head on. 

Second, he had to have something with which to fight back.  His weapon was the truth.  The truth didn't just miraculously come to him in the moment he needed it.  He was able to fight back with the truth because he knew the truth.  Stephen had, without question, spent much time and effort studying and absorbing the truth.  That is why it was available for his use when he needed it.

We face situations every day where there is an opportunity and a need to inject truth.  Do you know the truth in such a way that you can draw upon it and use it when it is needed?  Memorizing Scripture is not just a mental exercise that is designed to test you.  It is a way of developing your own personal storehouse of truth that you may draw upon when these situations arise. 

Is your storehouse of truth full or empty?  If it is empty, we may miss out on opportunities God gives us to share the truth.


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