Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I may not always know what I'm doing, but I know the God who is there with me

Joel 2:26  "You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will My people be shamed."

A few months ago I embarked on the next phase of my professional career.  After much thought and prayer, Sara and I decided to pursue an opportunity that God had brought to us on two different occasions.  The opportunity has its upside and has aspects that appeal to me/us for one reason or another.  But the opportunity is not without risk.  The risk was real to us both, and was difficult to overcome in reaching a decision. 

The conclusion we reached is that the status quo is not void of risk, but is simply the risk that we know.  At one time, though, we viewed what had become the status quo as risky, like we have viewed other choices as risky at the time we made them.  But many of those seemingly risky choices don't look so risky in hindsight, and we can see the good that came from many of those decisions.  Even those decisions that didn't work out as we had hoped they would have been blessings in terms of what we have learned and how we have grown.

God has worked for good in all of our circumstances, and He will continue to do so if we seek Him and His Will.  Making the decision we made was not based on reaching an overwhelming peace and calm about it.  We had both hoped to reach that point and waited for it in hopes of knowing for sure that this is what God wanted us to do and the direction He wanted us to go.  It would have been safer and more convenient that way, but God doesn't always give us that reassurance.  Sometimes He actually wants us to trust Him.

While I am still learning and getting comfortable with the details of the environment I am now in, I already have first-hand experience with the God who is in this with us.  I know that He will always provide.  I know that He is using this to teach and guide Sara and I in our walk with Him.  I know that He has placed things on our hearts for a reason, and we try to be obedient to those promptings.  If a prompting is based on some desire of the flesh, I know He will cleanse me of it if I ask Him and then allow Him to do so.

I know that past choices, whether resulting in success or failure, have all resulted in growth.  I will stay faithful to Him as best I know how, knowing all along that He will be faithful to my family and I.


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