Wednesday, January 9, 2013

If God is good, His plan is good

Isaiah 39:8  " 'The Word of the Lord you have spoken is good,' Hezekiah replied.  For he thought, 'There will be peace and security in my lifetime.' "

The verse above is King Hezekiah's response to Isaiah, who had just foretold that Judah would eventually become a captive nation of Babylon.  As Isaiah told him, Hezekiah's palace and all his worldly possessions would be carried off in a relatively short time.  His loved ones would be taken into captivity and put to work in Babylon. 

I would have thought his response to the prophecy would be much different.  Either he would challenge it and say it will never happen, or brush it off as impossible given that the nation who supposedly was going to overtake Judah was not even an independent nation yet. 

Most kings described in the Bible would have responded aggressively and defensively at the mention that their reign was coming to an end.  But Hezekiah was one of Judah's most faithful kings.  His response shows trust and faith in the Lord, even though the particular circumstances might not have made sense to him.  He trusted that the ultimate outcome of God's plan would be peace and security.

He certainly could not have seen the ultimate outcome just by looking at the circumstances Isaiah described.  The only way he could be confident of the ultimate outcome was because he knew Who was behind it.  Because he knew God was good, he knew His plan must also be good.

May we have the same foundation of faith and trust in God's plan.


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