Monday, November 19, 2012

You can't handle the truth

John 16:12  " 'I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.' "

I think one of the greatest ways in which Christ blesses us is in being a barrier between us and full revelation of what is to come.  As humans, we all have a desire to one degree or another to know what is in front of us and what is going to happen. 

We usually want to know what is in front of us because we believe it will calm our anxieties.  But the Holy Spirit that lives within believers is much wiser than we are.  He knows that there is a proper time to reveal truth to us. 

The proper timing has much to do with our own ability to handle receiving the truth.  We mistakenly believe that we are ready to know it all, or will at least learn to deal with it.  But the Spirit knows that receiving too much too soon can crush us in several different ways. 

He nurtures us and builds into us what we need in order to receive more and more of the truth.  He brings truth to us when we are properly equipped and spiritually mature enough to handle it. 

If you feel God is holding back truth from you, He may be saying you need to grow more before receiving it.  Press into Him and let Him strengthen and mature you.  Then you can rest in knowing you are ready for more.


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