Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Paybacks are....?

1 Peter 3:9  "Do not repay evil with evil, or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing."

When we think of repaying evil with evil or insult with insult, it is natural to think of doing something directly to the person who previously offended you.  Saying something to them or doing something to block some path they are on feels like the most direct form of payback.

But what about those of us who take a more passive approach?  We may not directly confront the person, rather choosing to harbor ill will toward them, criticize them in private, voice to others where we think they are falling short of Christ-likeness.

One thing we most certainly are not doing for them is lifting them up in prayer.  By not directly confronting and taking a more passive approach, somehow we feel as if we are closer to what Peter is asking of us in this verse.  Although our means are different, we are no closer to the mark than someone who aggressively confronts in anger.  If anything, we are less courageous and less likely to restore real relationship with the person.

Let our starting point be lifting those who offend us up in prayer, and let the Holy Spirit guide our actions and reactions from there.


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