Monday, September 26, 2011

Feeding off of His crumbs

Mark 7:27-28  " 'First, let the children eat all they want,' He told her, 'for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs.'  'Yes, Lord,' she replied, 'but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs.' "

Here Jesus is speaking to a woman who has asked Him to drive a demon out of her daughter.  His reply to her is somewhat harsh.  He says His real work (teaching the disciples, or the "children") should not be interrupted for less significant work (work done for the "dogs"). 

How would you have reacted to this?  I can imagine my own response- indignation with being compared to a dog, anger at the denial of my request, embarrassment at having thrown myself at His feet and having my request rebuffed.  This type of response probably would have given away the fact that what I was really interested in is what God can do for me.  Once I realized He wasn't willing to do what I had asked, I would have walked away angry and questioning why I had even bothered to ask. 

But how did this woman respond?  She agreed with His assessment and even acknowledged her position as a "dog".  She admitted that what she was asking of Him was less important than His work with the disciples.  However, even a few "crumbs" would make all the difference in her life.  This response may have caught Jesus a little off guard, but He liked the response.  It showed that first and foremost, she had come to Him with a humble heart and recognized that He had a sovereign right to choose whether or not to fulfill her request.

Because of her humility and deference to His position and judgment, He granted her request.  Lord, help me to come to You with humility and in recognition of Your sovereignty.  Let my relationship with You be based only on who You are, not on what You can do for me.


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