Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Not doing "our part"

John 6:15  "Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make Him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by Himself."

Jesus had to periodically distance Himself from the people.  Sometimes it was for His own good, to rest and recuperate so He could continue His work.  Other times, retreat was necessary so the people did not interfere with His work. 

The people had a set belief that when the Messiah came, He would establish an earthly kingdom.  They were so hopeful and excited about what they believed He would do, they tended to get ahead of themselves and ahead of Jesus.  They wanted to accelerate the process and force the outcome they wanted and expected.  Jesus had to physically retreat in order to thwart their efforts.

The outcome the people wanted to bring about was not what God intended at all.  We tend to decide the direction Jesus is taking a situation after He takes the first step.  We then try to seize control and accelerate the process, because we think we know where He is leading us and we want to do "our part". 

The truth is, we don't have any idea what God is up to and what plans He has for us.  Resist the temptation to commandeer His work, and let Him do what He will do in His perfect timing.


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